It did not take all that long to figure out the mechanics and technologies! The WRITER'S PAGE is up and running!
Hit the WRITER'S PAGE tab on the navigation bar above and you will move to our newest function.....
On that page writer's can submit their stories for workshopping on the new handy-dandy submit form, and then once approved for posting the piece can be workshopped through our new forum link. We are hoping it will become a lively exchange of ideas, ideals, concepts, and literary entertainment. Don't be shy.....if you are a writer, give it a try. It is a great way to get feedback on your writing works!
If any one wants to implement a form, or forum on their own blog and would like some help with that, please let me know. I can set it up for you and teach you how to administer them. The possibilities they introduce are tremendous, and they are not that hard to work with.