This awesome site was founded by Ellie Drake. I have been a member since late November and I just continue to love it more and more.
Ellie, a successful motivational speaker and internet marketer, put this site together to create a global community of women that would encourage, support and promote each other's dreams, visions, and entrepreneurial ambitions. She put together a CORE team of successful and recognizable women in the arts, entertainment and motivational industries (to name a few areas) who give of their expertise, time, and connections. There's a whole lot of collaboration going on within this site!
Individual members can create their own communities if they think they have something to offer that will interest other members. I gave this some thought and I decided to jump in with both feet! I am in the process of contacting as many Canadian members as I can find among the hundreds of thousands of profiles and inviting them to join the Canadian BraveHeart Women Community with Serene PromotionsTM. I would like this community to focus on the unique issues, concerns, and obstacles that we "northern" moms, grandmothers, wives, aunts, daughters, sisters and friends face. I would also like it to be a forum where we can share our successes and triumphs, business knowledge, skills, and experience.
So far I have received nothing but positive feedback for this concept. So this is something that will be receiving a portion of my attention over the next few weeks. My goal is to have a solid membership base, and mission/vision statements that are congruent with what the membership wants to get out of the Canadian BraveHeart Women Community with Serene PromotionsTM.
Here's the link:
Creating a community for the more northern members of BHW is an inspired idea. Anyone embarking upon new endeavours comes upon numerous questions and challenges. But in my opinion, Canadians often have some additional ambiguity thrown in.
It would be great to have a community where we can support each other, answer each other's questions, and grow stronger through this shared bond. We have an enormously talented and unique pool of people here in this gorgeous country of ours. Let's strengthen each other.
Exactly, that's what I envision too. And I agree with you: there are unique facets to living the Canadian life!
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