I am sooooo excited. I spent most of the day creating a Facebook page for Serene Promotions. There is a LOT to learn for this process, but it is NOT impossible. I haven't published it yet, because I am still figuring out which elements to include and how they all work. But, it is shaping up nicely. Here's a link:
I am very , very impressed with myself!
And I have to say I am also immensely impressed with my young granddaughter. I was chatting with her on Facebook and was explaining the whole blogging thing and I sent her a link to this blog. I suggested she create one for herself because she too likes to write and she likes to journal. Well.........within minutes she had a blog created and had uploaded a video on her first post! I am so very proud of her. And guess what dear readers? Her blog has the same tone and similar content as Serene Promotions: promoting compassion and tolerance! Ahhhh, she is a dear. If she wasn't so far away I'd pick her up and spin her around! Way to go my girl! Here's a link to her blog:
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