Tuesday, May 3, 2011

PEACE - The Paradigm For A New Age Economy!

By Serena Aubrey (Copyright, 2011 -- All Rights Reserved)

Positive Thought





A new age is upon us, and along with it comes new technologies, new systems, new business opportunities, as well as broader opportunities for connectivity, education, and understanding.

Jason Franklin, the Executive Director of Bolder Giving, says:
“The internet has created more awareness, but [it is] more so that there is an expectation of being able to have an impact, due in part to the power of communication through the internet…there are more low-hanging opportunities that allow individuals to add their voice and be heard…"
This is so true. The internet allows individuals to connect over wide swaths of cultural differences and it also allows people to more quickly recognize personal similarities. Regional and religious differences are sometimes hard to overcome through normal modes of global communications (as in: channeled through governmental agencies, or through the spokespersons of organized religions). However, with New Age Connectivity people world-wide are relating to each other on a more one-on-one basis.

And what are we finding? We are more the same then world and church leaders would have us believe.  As individuals we have the same needs -- shelter, food, clothing, income, entertainment; and we want the same things for our children. Ahh, the children. The future generations. We all want them to grow up in a safe environment, we all want them to have enough to eat, we all want them to be educated, we all want them to enjoy their lives.

And how can this come about? Through continued forward motion in global connectivity, global understanding -- global insistence that the few give up their tight-fisted grip on world economies and start sharing the wealth with the many. It is ludicrous to think that there is not enough to go around. THERE IS AN ABUNDANCE FOR ALL. Would our Creator design a world that was not self-sustaining? How could anyone look at our natural world and believe this to be true? Our New Age Connectivity will make this more and more apparent as we continue to connect on a personal level with each other around the world, and as our inherent human compassion continues to say, and say LOUDLY: this is not right, something must be done.

And I for one am willing to GIVE BOLDLY, just like many, many others are. We need to push forth the new paradigm for a New World Economy. We need to insist that our leaders stop lying to us. We need to stop listening to lies. We need to take individual actions to promote PEACE in the forms of Positive Thinking, Education, Advancement, Collaboration and Entrepreneurship!

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